Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Up To You! Vote!

I just voted. The line was long. Over 2 hours. It's sweaty in some places and chilly in others, but everyone came out to vote. Amazing. The school was having a bake sale and kids ran by me screaming "Pound cake! Vote! Coffee!" People brought their babies to experience the day. Even the pollsters who had been there all day, and would be there all evening, were excited. I know who I voted for, but the most moving thing was seeing so many people there. Democracy at work, and all that. I admit it, even knowing the line wrapped around itself around two blocks, I took a minute to stand in booth and take it in.

I've been voting since I was eighteen, but this is the first time I've had to wait. I'm glad I didn't do absentee. I'm glad I experienced the day.


Jilly said...

Good for you waiting to vote. It's an exciting day for America and all the world. Loved what you posted today.

Jane Hards Photography said...

In the UK I think half the country was up last night watching the result. Never has the outcome of your election been wathced over like this. Good for you for exercisisng your right to vote. Great image.